
In a rapidly evolving business landscape, strategic decision-making is paramount to success. Our Consulting Services offer a dynamic approach to addressing the challenges faced by businesses today. Whether you're a startup looking to scale, an established enterprise seeking efficiency improvements, or an organization facing a specific business hurdle, our team of experienced consultants is here to guide you toward sustainable growth and innovation.

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How can we help

How can we help

We recognize that every business is unique. Our consulting approach is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that our recommendations align with your organizational culture and goals.

Management reporting

preparation of internal management reports and calculating the business specific ratios for your company to find out the issues in business operations and advising possible solutions.

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Business plans

preparation of business plans using both historical and projected indicators.

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Financial analysis

calculating ratios and performing financial analysis based on prepared financial statements by our professional team. mid-term and short-term projections.

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key person

Knar Petrosyan, FCCA

Partner, Quality control manager

For inquiries and assistance, please contact: